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  • Is Dr. Brown taking new patients?
    Yes. Dr. Brown has availability for new clients at this time if you are interested in booking an appointment please use the contact form on the main page.
  • Do you accept insurance?
    Dr. Brown is an "Out of Network" provider for all insurance plans. However payments for service may be made using FSA/HSA debit cards. Payment is due in full on the date of the appointment. If you have a PPO plan, you will have some level of coverage by your insurance company if you submit your Super Bill receipt. This will be based on your "Out of Network" provider rate which varies plan by plan. For more information please contact your insurance company directly as all plans are different. When contacting your insurance company ask about coverage for the following "CPT codes" ( these are codes all insurance companies use for billing): New Patient Visit: 90792 30 min follow up visit: 99213 and 90833
  • What is the practice like?
    Dr. Brown's outpatient clinic is set up a little different than most. Currently, all client visits are conducted online. Each visit has it's own unique URL. This will be provided to you about 1 day prior to the visit. Just click that link and you should be ale to access the visit on any browser on any device. There are mobile apps for iOS and Android, but they are not required. If you find using the app more user friendly you can download them here: Apple devices or Android devices
  • What will my appointment cost?
    The current fee structure is as follows: 90 min new client visit: $600 60 min follow-up visit: $420 30 min follow up visit: $265
  • What is Space and Time?
    Space and Time is the name of the art gallery that co-exists in the same bulding as Dr. Brown's office. For more information please visit the gallery's website:
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